Middle Childhood Intervention 6-12:

Motor Skills

Children at this age are continuing to refine their motor skills. They are quite active and are able to take part in a variety of new and exciting motor activities.


Here are some possible signs of gross motor delay:

  • child is unable to ride a bike with training wheels (Fig. 1) (and after practice);
  • child does not run very well and continuously bumps into objects when running;
  • child cannot hop forward for a few feet or meters;
  • child cannot catch a large ball from several feet or meters away (Fig. 2);
  • child does not alternate feet, when going up and down the stairs (closer to age 8).

riding a bike

Figure 1. Riding a bike

playing a ball

Figure 2. Playing a ball


It is very important to watch out for any delays in fine motor skills, because they impact most other areas of development. For instance, difficulties with fine motor skills can impact a child’s ability to use a pencil or pen, hold a spoon or fork, tie her shoelaces and button the buttons of her coat.

Here are some possible signs of fine motor delay:

  • child writes words and sentences that are not understood by others or even the child himself;
  • child struggles with copying and tracing activities;
  • child struggles with scissors and cannot cut simple shapes (Fig. 3);
  • child continues to use the whole hand while holding a pencil, instead of the tripod position (Fig. 4);
  • child struggles with typing simple sentences or her name on a computer keyboard (for children who have computers at home and are allowed to use them);
  • child tears the page when using an eraser;
  • child cannot tie shoelaces;
  • child appears not have good posture (Fig. 5) when writing.

cutting with scissors

Figure 3. Cutting with scissors

holding a pencil

Figure 4. Holding a pencil

good posture when writing

Figure 5. Good posture
see References


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