Author Archives: Mark Thomson Mac Lean
Why the UBC Faculty Association Executive has called for the resignation of the Chair of UBC’s Board of Governors.
The Faculty Association sent a letter to Acting President Anji Redish last evening. This blog post explains our decision to call for the resignation of Mr. Montalbano as Chair of the UBC Board of Governors. The text of the letter … Continue reading
Why did Arvind Gupta resign as President of UBC?
Below is my letter to the faculty of the University of British Columbia. It was emailed to my colleagues this morning. I will be having a phone conversation with John Montalbano, Chair of the Board of Governors, shortly. 10 August 2015 … Continue reading
Conversations with Faculty I: Educational Leadership Stream
I have been meeting with groups of faculty on the Okanagan campus in an effort to better understand the issues these colleagues face. I have had several such meetings and will report out on them once the conversations they generate … Continue reading
Governance: Associate Deans and the Hiring Process for Faculty
{Preamble: When I took on the role of President of the Faculty Association, I decided that the governance of our university would be the foremost issue on my agenda. In my mind, the best universities in the world have strong input … Continue reading
UNBC: Faculty Salary Structure a Dead Duck
This plot illustrates the reason that UNBC Faculty Association members went on strike: their career salary structure is out of whack with those of their comparator institutions. They are asking for some movement towards fixing this.
Wrestling with Duality
{This post is the first article I have written for the newly revived Okanagan Bulletin, a publication of the Okanagan Faculty Committee of the UBC Faculty Association. The article is addressed to the UBCFA members at UBCO, but it is … Continue reading