Week 11: The terror

From these week readings, I just realised that people from Peru in those times used to have so many problems such as corruption, poverty and violence and because of that is that people had lots of politicians who were very corrupt and authoritarian like Fujimori.

It is true that Fujimori was a true leader because the way that he used to convince people was amazing, I think that he was a populist but also an authoritarian leader who took the advantage of the bad situation of the country to take power. Also, it is important to say that when people are desperate and have many troubles, they just want to choose someone with the perfect solution, no matter what it would take and in this case not only the economic situation used to be the problem but also the violence through guerrillas was a very important issue in those years.

I was very curious about “Sendero Luminoso, I used to think that this group was a good one but this lecture showed me the opposite. This movement’s goal was to defeat the institutions such as the congress and courts of Peru, in order to replace the government for a regime controlled by peasants. I think that these peasants are seen as terrorists because they are just provoking deaths through violence, so in consequence instability for Peruvians governments.

I really liked two documents of this reading: Mario Vargas Llosa “The Massacre” published on July 31 in 1983 and Fujimori’s Declaration of the Autogolpe on 5th of April in 1992. The first one was very intriguing because for me, it looks like the government and the military were accusing the peasants for murdering the journalists and more important, that the president in those times just wanted to hide the truth and kill who ever he needed to avoid problems. This is very similar to what happened in “Mexico’s Tlatelolco Massacre of 1968” because students were killed by the military and the government did everything they could to hide the truth from the population.

On the other hand, about Fujimori’s document I need to say that this leader was not only an authoritarian leader but also a populist because he took advantage of the situation of the country by promising everything to citizens of Peru, specially solving the problem of violence. I need to say what happened in Peru was not only Fujimori’s fault, people were also guilty because they approved that Fujimori should take control of Institutions like Congress and the judiciary, and those actions resulted very dangerous for the country because a new start of repression had just began.

1 Thought.

  1. Hola Adrian! I see your point, desperation brings people to give power to someone they might think will sooth the situation. Often not the best choice. Personally I didn’t know anything about the peruvian situation, and I aslo thougth about Sendero Luminoso as some group different than a guerrilla. Maybe becasue of its name? Sendero Luminoso sounds like “the brightest path” or even “the best path”. Truth is, no one wins in war. There is always loss and no good guys or bad guys.

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