The Cost of Saving Syrian Refugees


How much money are countries spending on the Syrian refugee crisis?

Accepting Syrian refugees has become a growing topic of controversy around the world. Many feel that not accepting them would be cruel due to the massive death toll we’ve seen over the past year. On the other hand, some individuals are more concerned about the potential negative economic impacts their acceptance may have. While I am strongly in favour of accepting these refugees, I believe it is important to consider the possible negative side effects this could have on those supportive countries so we can prevent them.

Lebanon is one of the countries that has accepted the most Syrian Refugees. According to the International Labour Association, although there have been some positive aspects to accepting these refugees, it has also taken a major toll on its economy. One of the most serious repercussions has been the growing competition for jobs in Lebanon, particularly because Syrians are generally willing to work for lesser pay and subpar working conditions as they are desperate for jobs. This is, however, somewhat beneficial to Lebanese business owners in that they are saving money on employment. On the other hand, Syrians are opening their own businesses and selling goods for much cheaper than their Lebanese counterparts, taking customers away from them and creating a growing tension between the two populations. There are many theories on how to fix these problems, mainly suggesting the need to create more local jobs, help educate the population, and implement new policies to help prevent Syrians from being exploited, although it is uncertain whether they will work. As I stated before, I am strongly for allowing these refugees to come to our country. I feel that with such a large country full of a variety of cultures, values, and a very strong economy, by implementing new laws and regulations Canada would be able to create a favourable environment for these refugees.


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