
Materials associated with each lecture topic are hyperlinked in the schedule below. These include lecture slides (also available for download here in one page) as well as readings and resources, required and optional. Expect minor changes to the schedule as we navigate through the term; any larger changes, e.g., those involving assignment due dates and materials will be announced on Canvas and may be made in consultation with the class.

Week Tuesday Thursday Notes Weekly Labs
Jan 7, 9
Introduction to the course

You can pay your $20 lab fee online; it must be paid before you can access the in-person and online computers (that is, get your username and password). If you are taking another computer-based class you only have to pay one lab fee.

What is the context? GI: Society, Science, and Systems Instructions on how to remotely (from home, etc.) log onto a Geography Department’s Lab Computer and run ArcGIS Pro.

If you want to take on the task of installing and supporting ArcGIS Pro on your own Windows system, you can also pay here (this is separate from our lab fee) and then email Jose ( with the receipt to download ArcGIS Pro.

No in-person labs this week. That said, Important: You should review “Lab 0” as soon as you can.


Jan 14, 16
What is it? The Nature of Geographic Data What is it? The Nature of Geographic Data (continued.) Just for interest:
Local GIS Organizations that help you learn and network:

Lab 1: Exploring Linguistic Diversity in Edmonton and Vancouver

You will be provided with an overview of the labs and given your username and password. You must pay the $20 lab fee by the end of January.

Jan 21, 23
Representing Geography Representing Geography (continued.) A web site that provides interactive tools to play with cartographic concepts: Cartography Playground Lab 1 Continued.
Jan 28, 30
Representing Geography (continued.) What can it tell us? Spatial modeling with GIS A quick guide to various training/help/information resources ESRI Canada provides–from 2021, but links largely the same. Lab 2: An Overview of Digital Terrain Modelling and Multi-Criteria Analysis Using the Suitability Modeler
Feb 4, 6
Spatial modeling with GIS (continued.) Spatial modeling with GIS (continued.) Lab 2 Continued.
Feb 11, 13
Spatial Analysis I Project discussion -and- Spatial Analysis I (continued.) Lab 3: Crime in the City
Feb 18, 20
Spring Break No classes this week Lab 3 Continued.
Feb 25, 27
Project proposal  presentations Project proposal  presentations Everyone should submit their project proposal writeup by the end of Monday, Mar 3. Formulating Final Projects and finishing Lab 3
Mar 4, 6
How to find out more? Spatial Analysis II How to find out more? Spatial Analysis II (continued.) Lab 4: The Identification of a Least-cost Pathway
Mar 11, 13
Where is it? Georeferencing How to show it? Cartography and Geovisualization Lab 4 and Final Projects
Mar 18, 20
Cartography and Geovisualization (continued.) Where does data come from? A review of remote sensing Final Projects

FYI: ArcGIS Pro Etiquette

Mar 25, 27
What does it tell us? Uncertainty A few roles for code in GIS (Python, R) Final Projects
Apr 1, 3
A few roles for code in GIS (Earth Engine, Web Apps) Course review – Part 1
(bring your questions!)
Final Projects
Apr 8
Course review – Part 2
(bring your questions!)
Final Projects
Exam Period Online Closed-book Final Exam. Time is the designated UBC time for this course, April 21st, online. Please see Canvas.
The final projects are due on April 17th. Please see Canvas.