Mexican Cooking from the Yucatán, with Chef Rossana Ascencio

map of the Yucatan Peninsula

Our first class focused on the Mayan cuisine of the Yucatán Peninsula.

The key ingredients of this region are corn, habanero chiles and tomatoes (gifts from Mexico to the world), citrus in the form of lime and bitter orange (a gift from Spain to Mexico) and meat, traditionally turkey, venison, wild pig and iguana, but for classroom purposes, chicken and pork. Plus some unique Mexican herbs and spices, such as achiote paste and Mexican oregano, along with potential substitutes.

sopa de lima with the broth poured over the chicken, tortilla strips and lime

pour the broth over the chicken, tortilla strips and lime

The meal started with Sopa de Lima (recipe), a lime soup similar to tortilla soup but with a sour twist. The tangy broth is poured over shredded chicken, deep-fried tortilla strips and a thin slice of lime.

Codzitos, Yucatan-style rolled tortillas

Codzitos, Yucatan-style rolled tortillas

This was followed by two appetizers: 1. Codzitos, tortillas that are rolled and deep-fried, then slathered with a tomato-based sauce and grated  ‘queso de bolo’ (Edam cheese) and 2. Salbutes (recipe), quite complex but with the first bite I was instantly transported back to the Yucatán without the bother of an airplane. These tasty little treats start with homemade ‘tortillas’ that are topped with pulled chicken (marinated in bitter orange and achiote paste), lettuce, tomatoes, ‘pickled’ onions, avocados and jalapeños.

black beans

black beans

The main course was Poc Chuc, boneless pork marinated in bitter orange, along with cebolla asada (red onions grilled until charred, then marinated in bitter orange and cilantro), a side dish of frijoles (beans) and Chilmole, a tomato salsa.

roasted onion with cilantro

roasted onion with cilantro


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