May 6th (one-a-day project).
Actually tried out a bit of painting this morning, starting with coating some seed pods I’d gathered with acrylic medium, to see if I could make them less brittle. But the medium was too thick to use so I diluted it with water and shook the bottle like crazy that resulted in milky foam all over my first pod. I washed that off and tried the mysterious slime instead – it’s not medium because medium is milky (dries clear). We’ll see.

Next I tried painting some greeny tones on translucent rag which I had scored and folded to mimic an intriguing palm tree. So much I have forgotten: how to mix colours, what to use underneath to prevent the paint from destroying my desk, that I need water in order to mix the paint! However, the piece dried in an interesting manner, curled up on one end.
May 9 update: gessoed an water-damaged piece of masonite, and pasted down the folded piece with medium. Painted the back of the curl blue and it curled up even more.