Our 2nd Mexican Cooking class from UBC Continuing Studies featured three dishes from the Oaxaca/Guerrero region on the southern Pacific coast of Mexico.
1. Coctel de camarones ‘Acapulco’
The coctel de camarones (shrimp cocktail) was my fave dish from this class. I could just imagine eating this, lounging under a palapa on Caleta beach in Acapulco while knocking back una cerveza bien fría. (Recipe)
- totopes, home-made corn chips, accompanied the shrimp cocktail, and instead of beer we had it with a breath-taking tequila blanca!
2. Pozole
Pozole is a pork & hominy soup, served with all the extras: radishes, ‘chiffoned’ lettuce, onion and cincharones, better known as ‘piggy puffs’ north of the Mexican border….
- Rossana could only find ‘hominy’, one of the primary ingredients in pozole, in a can . However, dealing with fresh hominy sounds rather labour intensive, so the canned version is certainly easier…
- pequin chile powder is 7-8 times hotter than jalapeños… add a dash to the pozole if you dare!
3. Mole Coloradito with Chochoyotes
the Mole Coloradito with Chochoyotes (dumplings) was a complex layered sauce made of spices and chocolate, and incredibly rich. (Recipe)