Rollin in the Revenue

by Ali Birston ~ March 6th, 2011. Filed under: Comm 296.

Rrrroll up the rim to win! This has become quite the catch phrase on campus recently as sleep-deprived students all over UBC flock to the nearest Tim Hortons for their daily dose of caffeine. After weeks of stressful midterms, projects, and presentations it is safe to say that there has been an increase in demand for coffee on campus these days. Tim Hortons’ annual Roll up the Rim contest is back once gain and the never-ending lines of students hoping for a chance to win a brand new car or even just a free coffee is astonishing.

As one of the students waiting in this line myself, I finally took the time to contemplate the strategy behind this promotion and was blown away by how simple yet effective it really is. For the most part, university students are strapped for cash, so in terms of price point, Tim Hortons is certainly a more attractive option; however, the customized coffee and prestige of Starbucks often proves more valuable to students. This is where the Roll up the Rim contest comes in as an added incentive that students like myself just cannot pass up. Not only is rolling up the rim in itself pretty amusing, but as an added bonus you may just end up winning a brand new car, TV, bike, or barbecue! Although we all know the chances are slim, I’ve personally already won 2 free coffees so I can definitely not complain.

Although this promotion is short-term in nature it certainly helps Tim Hortons attract new customers as well as develop customer loyalty. It keeps consumers coming back for more to increase their chances to win and also creates a fun experience for both first time and long time customers alike. It’s a contest that ingeniously markets itself through word of mouth and that’s got everyone excited to rrrroll up the rim to (hopefully) win!

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