Reflection: Creating Web Folio

The process of creating a web folio is fun, I enjoyed exploring around as though this was not an assignment from the ENGL 301 course.

I created another web page to combine all the work that I have written in this course. The process of visiting back the team forum and check back all my work has been fulfilling as I could feel how much I have worked on and learnt from this course. I read all my assignments again not only to check if there were any writing mistakes but also to see if I have improved my writing ability. Of course, this technique takes years to develop, but at least my skills are getting more professional and appropriate to handle technical works.

When I was creating the Best Works page, I decided to write a short introduction for each assignment. I wrote without using the first- and second-person pronouns to make the website more professional. This is one of the biggest takeaways from this course as I learn how to write in a business setting.

Creating this blog has been fascinating and interesting. I played around the colours and different themes to make sure I have a professional yet appealing outlook on the blog. The practices of creating my own technical writing blog and posting assignments on Dr. Paterson’s blog help me familiarize myself with the UBC Blog back-end system. Therefore, it was less of a hassle compared to the first time, and more of an interesting journey to play around the system.


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