Getting Involved at Allard School of Law: Allard LSS Legal Buddy Program

Allard LSS Legal Buddy Program


As incoming 1Ls, the transition to law school may be a bit overwhelming and one way to help ease the process and make a new contact outside your 1L peers is to sign up for the Legal Buddy Program. By doing so, you will be matched with an upper year law student who can offer you great advice on life within and outside of Allard as a law student, as well as the all important information on the best CANs out there. You will certainly hear a lot about these areas during the great Orientation Week events, so your Legal Buddy will only add to this by offering more insight into their own academic, social and/or career experiences thus far.

The initial meet-up between 1L and upper year Legal Buddies will happen within the first few weeks of school, with details to be shared in the Weekly Bulletin, on social media and via e-mail from the organizer. So if you would like to sign up, please send a few lines about yourself to the Allard LSS Ombudsperson, Catriona Dooley, via e-mail:

A few helpful things to include for matching purposes would be: where you grew up, what school & program you last attended, any interesting past jobs/careers, what brought you to law school, and anything else you would like to share. You will have until Monday, September 7th, to send in your information for the matching process and should expect an introduction e-mail shortly afterwards.

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