Hello incoming 1Ls!
Congratulations on your admission to UBC Law! I am a 3L from southern Alberta, and this year’s President of Legal Education Outreach (LEO). As students of the Allard School of Law, you will be provided with a number of opportunities to get involved in faculty life, and LEO will be among the student clubs vying for your participation. In advance of those first couple of weeks, here is a quick overview of what we do.
LEO exists to encourage access to justice beginning at the grassroots by visiting high schools whose student demographics tend to be underrepresented in the Canadian legal profession, and presenting on a particular legal topic (e.g. criminal law or the Charter). We also explain how the law impacts students’ lives daily, and how they can become involved in the legal profession. Over the past few years, our program has become very successful; we now send about 80 to 100 law students to conduct workshops each year!
LEO is a great way to give back to the community and we encourage you to get involved by signing up for our email list during clubs day and attending our orientation meeting in September/October. In the meantime, feel free to visit our website (www.leo-ubc.com) or email us with any questions you have (ubcleoexec@gmail.com).
Best wishes,
James Beaton