Somehow, the Elections team managed to hold three distinct and separate debates last week. We managed to set a new personal record and skip two of them. Luckily, since both @UbysseyNews and @AMSElections have a mandate to livetweet everything—simultaneously—with the proper hashtags—it’s just like we were there in person! twice.
The VP Finance race seems to be a big YAWN so far. The only interesting thing at all is Mateusz himself, who actually works in the Pit Pub, so when he talks about the businesses doing poorly we know who to blame. Too bad there isn’t some sort of commission system to motivate him to sell more pitchers.

Apparently “save the toy fish” is more motivating than the usual “I live off of this between shitty paycheques” tack. Which says something.
Jokes aside, he can hopefully provide better insight as to why the businesses are doing poorly and what needs to change. Promoters for the Pit Pub? Discount rates on bulk beer? Pit night, two nights a week? We’re giving you GOLD, someone take this and run with it!
Joaquin puts forward some good ideas as well, such as performing full business reviews and pushing for a review of the AMS’s finances. The real question: does this review of finances include the fact that the AMS was just audited? Business and Administration Governance Board, you’re on watch.
The presidential race seems to be just as uninteresting, despite 2/3 candidates being female. This never happens! We are excite!
Beyond that, all three candidates’ platforms can be summed up in the same points: businesses are doing terribly and the AMS needs better communication with students.
Truly a heated debate.
The two VP Academic candidates challenging Kiran are focusing on increasing housing affordability on campus. It’s an admirable goal (that’s more suited to the BoG reps). Still, we have to give them some credit for trying to win over rez kids; beating an incumbent who has an average or better reputation is a tall order. They appear to be taking slightly different approaches.
Anne, for instance, tackles her rival head-on.
We still don’t exactly know what the VP Admin candidates want to do with their terms. Apparently the New SUB and club relations are important. Derek has the most fleshed out plan for online club administration, which means we’ll forgive him for missing the debate on Thursday.
We are still confident that at least one senate candidate will drop out of the race. Come on, you’re making our job way too difficult. AND STOP BEING SO REASONABLE.
As a closing note, here’s what we think you might be thinking right about now:
Q: But guuuuuuuuuuys, you’re not helping me make up my miiiiiind.
A: Don’t worry, we’ll have more “in-depth analysis” next week.
I don’t always post, but when I do, your article sucks a dick.
Why do VFM blogs get trolled?
Anyway, AMS Confidential readers! Please check out my Voter-Funded Media blog that is also covering the AMS Elections!
Thank you!
BITCH, PLEASE! That Yao Ming gif doesn’t actually make any sense.