Reflection of COMM296

Before I went to my first marketing class, I was sure that the four following months would only be about promotion. I was completely sure that marketing was only for creative souls with excellent social skills. It turned out that I was completely wrong because marketing is so much more than that! In this post, I will write about my what I learned about teams, myself, and marketing,  what skills I developed, what I would do differently next time, and what my top takeaways were.

The group assignments were a lot of fun and I can thank my group for that. the group was diverse in terms of culture, interests, ethnicity, and intended options for next year; in other words, we were totally different. First I thought that our differences could perhaps create problems, but it did not create any disagreements at all. Everyone in the group had amazingly creative ideas and they were all very passionate. We all treated each other with respect and that made the assignments easier to work on.

I personally learned how important it is to participate in class as well as outside class. Marketing is a kind of subject where participation is essential both for school and for work. I also learned how important it is to listen to others to get a wider perspective of what is really going on.

I learned a lot about marketing. Marketing is way larger than what I thought when I stepped into the classroom for the first time. It is not only for creative souls and people with socials skills, but for people with all sorts of skills. Marketing is a lot more analytical than I first thought. I truly learned a lot about marketing and I gained so much respect respect for marketers do.

My blogging skills were catastrophic when I started this blog and I feel that I have improved to below average. I have never blogged before, so it has been a fun experience.

Next time, I would spend more time on my group, participate more in class, ask more questions, and even attend office hours (I am arguably the worst office hour attender ever).

My top takeaways are how I can use everything I learned in COMM296 in future studies and in my normal life. From now on, I will constantly think why a product is there, what segments billboards are targeting, and so on.



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