Category Archives: Uncategorized

who taught me an important lesson?

A person who really taught me an important lesson would be King Solomon described in the book of Eccelsiastes. King Solomon was described as being an extremely rich, powerful and wealthy king who had the power to obtain whatever his eyes desired. For example,  King Solomon took for himself 700 wives and 300 concubines, and all kinds of riches,  but despite all of the things he acquired and all the things he did with this wealth, near the end of his life,  he said he hated his life because all things he acquired were empty and meaningless. Therefore, I learned that money cannot buy happiness nor love.

The importance of Time management

With final exams coming up, now is the time to really put your time management to use. Procrastination is one of the largest reasons of failure and regret, and this finals season, I am surely going to be prepared. Time is a valuable resource not to be squandered doing fruitless activities.

Hello world!

Welcome to UBC Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

What I have learned about myself?

After attending comm 299 over the 7 months, the most important thing I learned about myself, is my need for better communication skills. It is important to market yourself favorably, to develop a strong social network, to be a reliable friend to others and to have friends you can rely on. The key to doing these things effectively is to have a strong set of communication skills, and to be an empathetic and attentive listener.Whether it be trying to find a job, networking, making new friends, and even finding that romantic partner, having a strong set of communication skills is crucial indeed.