Daily Archives: September 21, 2012

Guess what?

I’m participating in the Day of the Longboat! A couple of girls from my floor and I have signed up for the event. Representing 2nd floor Tweeds WOOOOOO! 

So how do you prepare for the Longboat? That’s a question I thought about when I first signed up. But you don’t need to be fit or athletic to join. There’s multiple categories so our team won’t face the boys (though I’d say we might give them a run for their money..who knows haha), and we’ll probably face teams from other Vanier (or Totem) houses.

I did attempt to work out for it, and that’s how I ended up in the Vanier commonsblock on the rowing machine, pulling my arms off, and now they feel numb at the moment. I don’t think I could be an Olympian in rowing-related sports, but I can say that  being a part of the Longboat is an exciting and wonderful opportunity to integrate teamwork and UBC spirit! Now, I’m just shaking with anticipation for next Saturday. Bring it on.

let's do this

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