Tag Archives: UBC

Guess who I met at the UBC Apple Festival! (Hint: He plays an angel on a TV show…)


He plays the angel Castiel on the show Supernatural, and he’s awesome, like seriously awesome.

It was last Sunday at the Apple Festival, the weather was terrible, cold and I was selling apple juice in giant cartons. I was walking around my stand with an apple juice carton, yelling ‘APPLE JUICE! ALL ORGANIC AND NATURAL ONLY FOR-OHMERGAW-‘ when I saw Misha and his wife and kids around the apple sales entrance. My mouth literally dropped at the sight. I wanted to go over there so badly, but he was on the phone. So I resorted back to selling my apple juice and occasionally glancing back at him. At this point, I was kind of thinking that I’d never get a chance to meet him. About 30 minutes later, he was wandering around our area so a few girls from my group and I went up to him. I felt so anxious, excited and nervous. And I definitely did not want to faint in front of him. I kind of approached him first and introduced myself to him. He noticed my name tag and greeted me back. I told him how much I adored his character on Supernatural, and how amazing he is (GISHWHES check that out!). Misha is just so down to earth and friendly. Plus, he was carrying his little girl around! He’s keeping her name a secret haha. Afterwards I got a picture with him. And my life became sort of complete hahaha….

But that’s not the end of it….Near the end of my shift, I saw him, his wife and kids again around our apple sales. I waved at him, and this time he came over with a smile, saying “All right, you guys got me, I’m getting them.” and he proceeded to buy the apple juice carton from me. So many feels.

all my feels

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Filed under Life on Campus

Guess what?

I’m participating in the Day of the Longboat! A couple of girls from my floor and I have signed up for the event. Representing 2nd floor Tweeds WOOOOOO! 

So how do you prepare for the Longboat? That’s a question I thought about when I first signed up. But you don’t need to be fit or athletic to join. There’s multiple categories so our team won’t face the boys (though I’d say we might give them a run for their money..who knows haha), and we’ll probably face teams from other Vanier (or Totem) houses.

I did attempt to work out for it, and that’s how I ended up in the Vanier commonsblock on the rowing machine, pulling my arms off, and now they feel numb at the moment. I don’t think I could be an Olympian in rowing-related sports, but I can say that  being a part of the Longboat is an exciting and wonderful opportunity to integrate teamwork and UBC spirit! Now, I’m just shaking with anticipation for next Saturday. Bring it on.

let's do this

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Imagine Day: The definition of AWESOME.

Forgive my lack of posting, I was very occupied after being lost around the campus for the past few days. (I finally remember the route from Vanier to my classes….) But I am here after an eventful day clearly tired and exhausted from my first classes (which if I do have the strength, I will elaborate further about it)

Imagine Day was clearly one of the highlights of my first week so far. It was filled with lots of tours and events that would make bystanders green with envy, or awe. So here’s the recap:

  • MUG (My undergraduate group) Basil: On Imagine Day faculties use MUG groups for first years and transfers that act as a way to get together, interact and make friends while representing their faculty. Mine was called Basil which is totally cool with me. I love food, don’t judge. Our MUG leader, Connie, was super friendly and enthusiastic. My group had around 13 people which was pretty enormous compared to most faculties.
  • Wear black if you’re in LFS: Yeah, at first everyone looked a bit depressed with the black attire. It doesn’t help that other faculties have vibrant or bright colors to represent (I’m looking at you, Engineering and Kinesiology) But hey, embrace your colors. Black is the new black.
  • 8:00 AM Arrival
  • 8:30 AM BREAKFAST: The perks of being part of a faculty immersed with agriculture and food is that you get breakfast -which means really tasty pancakes. Needless to say, I had no trouble demolishing the poor pancake.
  • 9:30 AM Meet the Dean: Our dean was extremely welcoming though he did warn us to be realistic about our progress and marks in academic courses. it can be overwhelming just thinking about our academics. Being such a small faculty, you can’t help but feel like you get to know the place a bit better.
  • 10:30 AM Campus Tour: Our MUG leader showed us around the campus.  Since I moved in, I had trouble finding my class building. I always seem to forget which direction to go and having a large campus can be a bit daunting when you look for your class.I really really love the Birdcoop and I probably should get a membership there soon because working out at the fitness room at Vanier can be awkward aka clear glass walls which everyone gets a good glimpse of you looking all sweaty and gross. I found my Biol 112 classroom as well as my CHEM 121 class (in ye old chemistry building).
  • 11:45 AM Student Success Workshop: Ways for success! One of the LFS 100 teachers introduced himself and gave us a nice pep talk about building skills for success. He encouraged the students to give their best effort in every subject and find a good balance between school and social life.
  • 12:45 PM Lunch: Burgers, veggies and chips, oh my!
  • Our Faculty Cheer goes a little bit like this: ‘Yeah Yeah Yeah, we got the land, yeah yeah yeah, we got the food, yeah yeah yeah, we got the l-l-l-l, LFS, the best!’ (shhh, it’s cool and you know it) 
  • 1:30 PM Pep Rally: Located in the Thunderbird Arena, it’s the climax of Imagine Day. The Battle of the Faculties. It’s like a Canucks playoff except for the sea of red, black, blue and other colors. In fact, Mark Donnelly, the famous Canucks anthem singer came by to sing the national anthem for us. Seriously, for a small faculty like LFS, we held our ground becuase we clearly screamed our heads off trying to best the other faculties. I give major props to the music faculty, because they were the smallest and they were more accurate, beat-wise in their cheers. Then we had our Chancellor and AMS president address us with a lovely, welcoming speech. The word ‘awesome’ is frequently overused, and its true meaning often muddled by mundane things. but this event was clearly AWESOME.
  • 3:15 PM The Main Event: In my honest opinion, the Pep Rally was the Main Event. But nevertheless, this was where UBC clubs and organizations were showcased to the students. At times, you felt like you were in a human sandwich with all the students around, but it’s soooo worth it (You get to join a few clubs and who doesn’t love free stuff?)



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In the eye of a hurricane (pun intended)

Days till UBC: 3 (moving in on the 2nd!)

Guess what woke me up this morning. A torrential downpour of rain. You know, I never signed up for a hurricane for my vacation in Florida, but it’s definitely a new sight-seeing experience.  It’s times like this where I’m given the opportunity to finally sit down and start blogging. I’ll blog a bit of everything here and there, and in my free time I really like to doodle so I’ll occasionally post them.

My whole summer has been a blur. Other than graduation and summer school (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, PHYSICS), I’ve been involved in an array of tasks like volunteering at the local veterinarian clinic and the stables. I feel like half a year has passed, and believe it or not, I’m actually anticipating for school to start. I’m already looking forward to first year. Unlike high school, going to university as a freshmen means that you get a new start, a chance to meet new friends, get involved and try out new risks or passions.

When September comes, I feel like the following will happen:

  1. My life will spontaneously combust into an enormous explosion shaped like the Horsehead Nebula at the sight of the campus
  2. I will probably dive headfirst into a whole lot of clubs, events and volunteering.
  3. Juggle my social life, academics and my beauty sleep through a blindfold.
  4. Enjoy all the fun and pouring my sweat, blood and tears into my academics.
  5. Try them Blue Chip cookies

There you have it, my sort-of accurate list of things to come this September. You bet your dollar #5 will be fulfilled within the first week. Cheers to that!

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