Chapter 9: The Terror

Chapter 9 The Terror discusses the horrific events and ideologies that braced Latin America for various years. The corruption that dominated this region ran ramped through the government and political systems for decades. Revolts were often provoked as a definite way to endure a change in society. Major conflicts in Latin America often resolved around the government system, and the peasants or working class. I would assume this is because the people being ignored by corrupt officials, would be the lower classes, as the higher class would mostly likely contain these corrupt government or political officials, and a middle class appeared not to be primarily evident during the times of the major terrors that occurred in Latin America. Document 9.1 The Massacre is an article, which reveals details about the Peruvian Massacre. It stated that the massacre had religious overtones, as well as political and social implication. Latin America, in my opinion has always had a proud and bold sense of culture; therefore it is possible that the religious and cultural beliefs would play into all aspects of life, including violence and tragedy. Religion has been found to play is role in serious violent events across the world, difference in belief, or way of interpreting/practicing a belief has proven to results in many horrific tragedy’s in history.

In relation to the massacre, document 9.2 and interview with Gonzalo, reveals offensive and corrupt ideas the lead to the destruction of countless lives in Latin America. It shows the terms of a revolution involving the peasants, in which the previous article states, they have a misconception and end up killing reports coming into the area. That they wanted and needed to sweep them away as a class that this must be done by genocide, and will continue to be done with such methods. To me this is horrific, how someone can be okay with blatantly stating that, genocide is a necessary action that will continue to be used. Personally it is hard to understand how someone could publicly admitted their intents to use genocide as continues method until then end goal is achieved, the removal a specific group of people. Gonzalo’s interview is harsh, it allows for people to see where the corruption in Latin America is really coming from, and how actually these ideas are being formed and spread throughout the region. These documents show that corruption in government systems has a great deal of influence on the people of a region.

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  1. I completely agree with you with the fact that opposing beliefs has been a primary drive for conflicts around the world. Being religious beliefs in some cases, and political beliefs in this case, these differing beliefs clash at some point, yielding violence in many cases.

  2. I was also very surprised by document 9.2, when Gonzalo talked so openly about genocide of the peasants, and then starting over. This ties into what he was talking about war having the two elements of destruction and construction. Also I agree that the government influences the rest of the region.

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