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Apr 2 / Anne Cheng

Don’t Give Up On What You Want

I just got back my 2nd marketing midterm exam mark yesterday…  I thought I did so well on it, but it turned out that I didn’t do well. And now I feel so bummed because I had studied twice as hard for this second midterm and ended up with practically the same grade as the first time time AND I even recently decided that marketing was the best option for me :(. So since I am not in the mood to write about some really cool marketing things, I have decided to dedicate this post to a few McDonald’s products that have failed (adapted from Top 10 Failed McDonald’s Products – Xanthius does a great job of injecting his/her fun personality in this post!).


Now really, maybe this would have worked in Europe where they enjoy a more leisure lifestyle and maybe have a pricier tasting palette. But who wants to spend $5.99 on a fast food burger! Why you fail? PPPrice!

4.JpgNext is Hulaburger.

That disgusting thing inside is a pineapple. Yuk! But there is a story behind this one. Hulaburger was a famous burger of Ray Krok’s (the guy who turned McDonald’s from its small comings to today’s mega-franchise). This burger was introduced in 1963 aimed at Roman Catholics who were forbidden to eat meat on Fridays. How hard is it to stay away from burgers once a week?!

Mcafrica.Jpg Lastly, McAfrica!

This was one of the most tragic marketing fails for McDonald’s. They lauched the McAfrica during the a time when widespread famine in Africa was all over the news! Who would want to buy a McAfrica to feel guilty and selfish while eating it? Why you fail? Wrong timing!!

To conclude this post about failing, here’s a quote from George Moen, “The person does not fail, the business does.” So for those marketers at McDonald’s, don’t feel like you have failed, you guys just made a bad decision. And for my fellow classmates who did not do so well on their exams, I say to you, “The person does not fail, your grades do.” But so what? Continue chasing after what you want and you will be rewarded. As for me, I will continue going after my marketing gig 🙂

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