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Mar 15 / Anne Cheng

Trend of Exams via the Internet Sauder Edition

The Internet is definately a big topic in marketing. For instance, in our marketing textbook, there are several sections thoughout the book dedicated to “The Power of the Internet”. It is always important for firms to be innovative to add value to their products and services. Consumers love to use innovative technology like the Internet because it makes everything they do much more convenient!

In Rob’s post in the Sauder Technology Bleeding Edge Club blog, he blogged about the successful Comm 293 Midterm exam for 570 students that was hosted online. I have personally never taken an online exam like this before, but would like to get a chance to try it out. From what I have heard about the Comm 293 (Financial Accounting) online exam, some of the major issue that students encountered was the time-consuming process of putting “zero’s” into the spaces where, for example, the “overtime hours” was not applicable. If there was no “zero” in that box, a mark was deducted. I can also relate to the issue with time management when working on Lyryx Learning Inc. (an online assignment software); it is also very time consuming to click “enter” and then click into the next box that I want to fill-in. During an exam, time management is critical, and in my opinion, using the Internet to host a numerical exam seems to be inefficient in a student’s point-of-view (but probably very time-friendly for the markers!). But there are definately certain course’s exams that have the potential to being hosted via the Internet (discussed next).

Rob also praises the idea of taking advantage of the Internet and predicts that all of Sauder’s exams will be fully online 2 years from now. I also admit that the Internet a great invention, but I also believe that not EVERYTHING is best done via the Internet! Some things like accounting exams (or any exams that allow for part marks in the work), do not seem best marked on a online exam that only requires for the answers (and very little work).

Suggestions: Try the HR exams online because, from experience, it was VERY writing intensive. And I’m sure that we type faster on a keyboard. That way you can actually mark us on our knowledge and not let that be affected my cramping hands!

Anyway, my point is that not all exams are best taking via the Internet. Some exams like accounting are not suitable via the Internet, but some like Human Resources are. Sauder must take into consideration of its students (consumers) when developing new products and methods of teaching. Doing this will add much value to students’ learning and experiences at Sauder and truly drive Sauder in leading innovative teaching in an efficient way.

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