If you’re researching anything to do with HCI or any other aspect of information communication technologies, this site should be one of your stops. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/index.html

Funded by Microsoft Research and something called the Very Large Database Foundation (who knew?), and hosted at the University of Trier, this site indexes more than 1 million articles and conference proceedings authored by more than 12,000 individuals, cross-referencing them based on co-author, year, and venue (journal where published or event).

There is a faceted search option, for Ranganathan fans (http://dblp.l3s.de/?q=&newQuery=yes&resTableName=query_resultT0FSWN), and if you’re looking for fast, I mean very fast, results, the CompleteSearch interface will “zoom in” on all the articles indexed in the database by a particular author as you type the author’s name. (http://dblp.mpi-inf.mpg.de/dblp-mirror/index.php).

Most astonishing of all is that even though this is, ostensibly, a database, there is no there there – to quote Gertrude Stein – in that the data is not aggregated into a single database file but distributed throughout thousands of text files, with the core content — journal TOCs — hand-entered by human beings.

Yes, indeed. Every journal’s Table of Contents is hand-typed into a predetermined HTML format that can be easily parsed by programs written in C, Perl, and Java, “glued together by shell scripts” (to quote from the detailed FAQ). Just goes to show all us 2.0 Web babies that sometimes, the old fashioned approach can work very, very well.