CSS Tabs

CSS tabs:
Sliding Doors of CSS by Douglas Bowman
CSS and round corners: Making accessible menu tabs by Trenton Moss

CSS tabs and more techniques:
53 CSS Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without @ Smashing Magazine

Google Calendars

1. Get a Google Account available from http://www.google.ca/.

2. Select Calendars from the account options.

3. Use the blue plus buttons to add your own or public calendars.

4.Public Calendars – search “SLAIS” and find public calendars relevant to students at SLAIS including the ASIS&T Student Chapter calendar.



If you need any help procrastinating for the next few weeks, it’s easy to get addicted to LibraryThing. You can locate books in a variety of databases, or roll your own using manual entry (great cataloguing practice). My next stop (after the term ends, of course!) is scanning in my own book covers for those that are missing. Oh, and if you’re deeply interested in this social-cataloguing phenomenon in general, there is even a social-cataloguing social network, SocialCatalogers:
