Category Archives: Life lessons

High grades = intelligence?

I just received my first midterm grade back and along with that I also received a minor heart attack. I got a low grade. I’m not talking “OMG I hate my life I ONLYYY got 99.5% ughhhhh” low,  I’m talking low. Like lower than kicking someone thats already on the ground. It was low. Continue reading

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sometimes life hands us lemons. And that’s cool, because lemons make my tongue go all weird and it makes me giggle. But sometimes life throws us lemons, oranges and even melons at full speed and if your coordination skills are anything like mine you can’t do anything really. You just stand there in excruciating pain.

These fruits come in different forms. Midterms, homesickness, papers and quizzes to name a few. Some of us have boy/girl/hermaphrodite problems. Some of us are really indecisive of what to do in the future. Some of us just lost our dog today. And then there’s a fair bunch of us that just feel so alone.

Heres what I’ve found on my pursuit of happiness: pain is what we allow it to be. As hard as it may be, in times where you feel like everything sucks- just jump right back up on the crazy horse called life and control it and your emotions. Because, at the end of the day, how you feel towards everything that happens is 100% your attitude.

You’re alive aren’t you?  You’ve survived this far, so you will survive again. Pick those lemons, melons and oranges up from the ground, dust yourself off and make a kick ass fruit salad. Life is just a bunch of events and you’re the only one capable of putting meaning to them. It’ll get better if you see it as an opportunity to make it better.


My blind date with an awkward person

17 days have passed since UBC became my new home and it’s been quite the ride so far. For those of you who managed to get through my first blog post you know what I’m talking about. Being away from home, being away from persian food and being away from that little comfort zone proved to be one of the most challenging things I’ve ever gone through, but, rest assured, also the most rewarding.  Life at UBC isn’t far from amazing. After being here for more than 2 weeks I can honestly get the hype, I get what people are talking about.

Starting at UBC is sort of like going on a blind date with an awkward person. Bear with me here: Your friends tell you about this one perfect person. He’s smart, diverse and super cool. Owns a T-shirt with a library that looks like a book from air view. Obviously this guy, lets call him UBC, is worth your time. So you build up all these images of how things will play out, you imagine him to sweep you off your feet with his wit and his stunning smile, so when the day comes and you see that he’s just an awkward guy you get very disappointed. How could everyone tell me he’s perfect when he clearly isn’t? Who wears flip flops to a first date? Dissapointment is written all over your face.
The night progresses and you find out that UBC loves long walks by the beach and that his favourite Ben&Jerrys ice cream is Half Baked too. He even cracks a few jokes here and there and you realize, wow, UBC is actually one of the most awesome guys you’ve ever met. You just had to give him some time to get over that awkwardness at first. UBC isn’t far from amazing.
That little analogy describes the change of feelings I’ve gone through since coming here. Never in my life have I met as many different people from different background as I’ve met here. Never in my life have I had my mind blown by the most gifted professors ever. It’s truly an inspiring school to go to.
Lesson number 1: Don’t expect everything to be rainbows and butterflies at first. Give it 17 days and you’ll be fine.