Tag Archives: smile

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sometimes life hands us lemons. And that’s cool, because lemons make my tongue go all weird and it makes me giggle. But sometimes life throws us lemons, oranges and even melons at full speed and if your coordination skills are anything like mine you can’t do anything really. You just stand there in excruciating pain.

These fruits come in different forms. Midterms, homesickness, papers and quizzes to name a few. Some of us have boy/girl/hermaphrodite problems. Some of us are really indecisive of what to do in the future. Some of us just lost our dog today. And then there’s a fair bunch of us that just feel so alone.

Heres what I’ve found on my pursuit of happiness: pain is what we allow it to be. As hard as it may be, in times where you feel like everything sucks- just jump right back up on the crazy horse called life and control it and your emotions. Because, at the end of the day, how you feel towards everything that happens is 100% your attitude.

You’re alive aren’t you?  You’ve survived this far, so you will survive again. Pick those lemons, melons and oranges up from the ground, dust yourself off and make a kick ass fruit salad. Life is just a bunch of events and you’re the only one capable of putting meaning to them. It’ll get better if you see it as an opportunity to make it better.