Tag Archives: breaking dawn

“What is a weekend at UBC like?”

It’s mighty fine. Before getting into details, I would like to acknowledge that there is 1 main reason for the high quality of my weekend:

  1. I stopped acting like a blind mouse only doing things I’ve done before.

Friday Last day of classes. Relieved, I went to The UBC Blog Squad social. How was it? Well, Imagine how some people come off on their blogs x 10: it’s bound to be a good time. Some of us (special shout-out to Nirel, Chanel and Kim) stayed to the wee hours of the party (aka 6.15pm) and participated in another Christmas party going on and decorated cookies and listened to Christmas music and jumped of joy. Okay, I may have been the only one jumping. I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC AND CHRISTMAS SWEETS AND CHRISTMAS EVERYTHING. Big thanks to Sherry, AJ and Houston for setting it all up!

After the festivities I ran to the War Memorial Gym and watched the UBC Thunderbird ladies including my roomie KILL IT on court. Our women’s basketball team is crazy good and has a winning streak of 3 games so I strongly advise everyone to check out a game! The next home game is Jan 18th at 6pm and it’s gonna be insane in the membrane. #GoThunderbirds  #Sundberg #BlueCrew

Later that day, after getting over the confusion of what a Semi-formal is (how formal can you actually be?), I did some pre Semi-formal shopping and some Breaking Dawn watching with my ladies. In order to not spoil too much I’ll just say that it was really good and surprising… and I guess the movie was good too. Worth mentioning is that Taylor Lautner was only topless twice, but whatever It’s not like I was counting or anything.

Saturday We had our Totem Semi- Formal dinner and dance which is when everyone in Totem gets dressed up and parties it up. It was a very fun night, but I think I had more fun pre and post the dance than during the actual dance but in all it was a good time. Met some very peculiar people and had some deep life talks. Regular Saturday so to speak.

Sunday Sock wars escalated to the maximum. Now only one person on my floor is alive.  #TeamBrandon

Every single second Friday- Sunday

Okay now I have to study.