Thanks to all for another successful BC Bio!

We have had another very successful BC Bio in the virtual space! This year we had 115 registrants, and 83 attendees!

We also decided as a group to start a group listserv. If you are a biology educator in BC, that works in higher education, we encourage you to subscribe! You can follow this link to the group on Google groups, or email the group directly, at bc-bio(at) to join.

See you all next year!

BC Bio 2021 schedule released!

BC Bio is on Wednesday May 12, 2021! Here is the plan for our afternoon. All times listed are for the Pacific time zone.

1:00-1:10 Arrivals, welcome message, ground rules, land acknowledgement
1:10-1:55 Dr. Diane Ebert-May. “Assess what’s important: Creating assessments that show how all biology students use their knowledge”
1:55-2:10 Follow up questions for Dr. Ebert-May
2:10-2:30 Breakout Session Round A (~20 minutes)
2:30-2:35 Short break (~5min)
2:35-3:20 Dr. Fiona Rawle. “Fostering Meaningful Connection”
3:20-3:35 Follow up questions for Dr. Rawle
3:35-3:55 Breakout Session Round B (~20 minutes)
3:55-? Wrap up and acknowledgements. We officially end at 4pm, but we are happy to stay if others wish to (but please don’t feel pressured to do so!). 

About the Breakout Rooms:

Like last year, we are planning to have 2 rounds of breakout rooms for this event (~20 minutes each), to allow folks to socialize and discuss. Zoom now has the option to choose your own breakout rooms, which makes our job as organizers much easier! HOWEVER, it does require you to have version 5.4 or better. Please take the time to update Zoom on the device you are planning on using for this event, so that you have the option to choose your own breakout room.

Breakout Rooms Round A:

# Topic Facilitator
1 Follow-up with our first speaker Diane Ebert-May
2 Indigenizing the curriculum Christine Goedhart
3 Transition back from the online environment – Lecture edition Lauren Dalton
4 Transition back from the online environment – Labs edition Tyler Donner
5 Assessments  – Moving away from timed exams Maryam Moussavi
6 Assessments – Re-imagining grading: Ungrading & student self-assessment Marcia Graves
7 Assessments & group work Marina Tourlakis
8 Online learning – What worked & what didn’t Alida Janmaat
9 No specific topic but I still want to talk! No pre-selected facilitator
10 Quiet Room (for those who may need a quiet space instead of a breakout room) No facilitator. Please feel free to turn your camera/ microphone off if you need to.

Breakout Rooms Round B:

Room # Topic Facilitator
1 Follow-up with our second speaker Fiona Rawle
2 Fostering Community – First Year Experience Ellen Rosenberg
3 Fostering Community – Non-Majors Zoe Soon
4 Fostering Community – Ecology & Evolution Jackie Dee
5 Fostering Community – Plant Biology Miranda Meents
6 Fostering Community – Cell & Molecular Biology Martha Mullaly
7 Fostering Community – Bench work Labs Marcia Graves
8 Fostering Community – Field work/ labs Alicia Rippington
9 No specific topic but I still want to talk! No pre-selected facilitator.
10 Quiet Room (for those who may need a quiet space instead of a breakout room) No facilitator. Please feel free to turn your camera/ microphone off if you need to.

If you haven’t registered yet, please do so! Scroll down just a little to the previous post to find the registration link!

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