
YAACS @ SLAIS – Youth and Technology Panel

Are you interested in book apps for kids? The latest programming for teens? Online resources for the very young? Yes, yes, and yes please? Then do we have a panel for you!

YAACS @ SLAIS is pleased to announce its Youth and Technology Panel on Wednesday, January 16th from 5:30-6:30pm. We will have speakers from three different public library systems and a local author/illustrator sharing their experiences serving children in the digital environment.

A group will be meeting outside the doors of SLAIS @ UBC at 5:10pm to head over to Buchanan D221 together. So grab a friend, or three and perhaps your fancy new tablet and join us for an evening of discussion and delight!

The details again…
What: Youth and Technology Panel
When: Wednesday January 16th
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Buchanan D221 (UBC Campus)

If you would like additional information please email Dana Horrocks at dana.horrocks@gmail.com.


Film Club and Final Meeting

Our last meeting of the term will be held sometime in the first week of December after our film screening. What’s this about a film screening, you say?

The NFB Film Club has offered some documentaries for free screenings at public libraries and we have chosen the following:

Islet/Îlot  (animation)

Vanishing Point –  2012,  82min (with English subtitles)

The screening will hopefully be held at VPL Central and the meeting will take place in some pub or coffeeshop afterwards. Everyone is welcome! The nitty gritty details will follow soon!