Fernanda Rojas Marchini has a PhD in Geography from the University of British Columbia. Her research addresses the political ecology of market-based conservation in Chile and Latin America, with attention to the legal geography of extractivism. Working at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Fernanda is conducting a research project to examine the rise of the biodiversity offset market in the high Andean wetlands of Chilean Altiplano. Her project is part of the larger research initiative Andespeat, which produces scientific research aimed at expanding the protection of these fragile ecosystems in light of the energy transition.
Recent publications:
Rojas-Marchini, F. (2024). The legal geographies of Indigenous consultation and conservation law in Chile. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1080/ 03066150.2023.2291392
Rojas-Marchini, F., Carmona, R. (2024). Biodiversity offsets and credits: Key aspects that make them problematic for protecting biodiversity. The Third World Network. Available at https://www.twn.my/title2/ biotk/2024/btk240308.htm
Rojas-Marchini, F., Dempsey, J. (forthcoming October, 2024). Globalizing Nature: Longstanding structures and contemporary processes. In Simon, G., and Kay., K. (Eds.) Doing Political Ecology. Routledge Press.
Dempsey, J., Irvine-Broque, A., Bigger, P., Christiansen, J., Muchhala, B., Nelson, S., Rojas-Marchini, F., Shapiro-Garza, E., Schuldt, A. & DiSilvestro, A. (2021). Biodiversity targets will not be met without debt and tax justice. Nat Ecol Evol (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41559-021-01619-5. Also available at: https://rdcu.be/cE6PN.
Rojas-Marchini, F. Betancourt, R., Reyes, R. (2021). Protocolo de levantamiento de información: monitoreo socioeconómico asociado a ecosistemas forestales en Chile. Available at https://bibliotecadigital. infor.cl/handle/20.500.12220/ 32408