Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIB Ep 1: Scoping BI Challenges

Sasha Tregebov and I talk about about the value of BI and the challenges of problem discovery […]

Listen to Episode 1: “Scoping BI Challenges” with Sasha Tregebov, Director of BIT Canada. 
(28 minutes; posted Sept. 4, 2020)

BIT is the original “nudge unit” and Sasha Tregebov has overseen a number of BIT projects, from “What Works Cities” to the creation of BIT Canada. “Calling DIBS” couldn’t ask for a better first guest. To kick this series off, Sasha and I talk about about the value of BI and the challenges of problem discovery.

For the full list of episodes, check out the Calling DIBS podcast page on the BI wiki.

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