Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 16: Aha Moments and Scaling BI Projects Around the Globe

Piyush Tantia shares ideas42’s journey and insights about how the field has grown over the last decade […]

Listen to Episode 16: “Aha Moments and Scaling BI Projects Around the Globe” with Piyush Tantia, Chief Innovation Officer at ideas42.
(28 minutes; posted Jan. 6, 2021)

Piyush Tantia is the Chief Innovation Officer at ideas42, one of the first and best applied behavioural science consulting organizations in the world with over 250 projects completed and 28 million lives improved. Piyush shares ideas42’s journey, a few of his favourite recent projects, and insights about how the field has grown over the last decade.

For the full list of episodes, check out the Calling DIBS podcast page on the BI wiki.

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