Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 22: Collaborating with BI Project Clients

Michael Buttazzoni shares some of the ups and downs of working with project partners on BI projects […]

Listen to Episode 22: “Collaborating with BI Project Clients” with Michael Buttazzoni, Scrum Master with the Information Management Branch serving the BC government’s natural resource ministries.
(31 minutes; posted Mar. 31, 2021)

As one of the founding members of BC BIG, Michael Buttazzoni has a number of BI projects under his belt. Michael shares some of the ups and downs of client management, with a particular focus on challenges and strategies for collaborating on BI projects across ministries or divisions. Since Michael has recently moved onto a new role in a different ministry, we also discuss ways to integrate BI knowledge and the BI skillset into roles that are not primarily “BI jobs”.

For the full list of episodes, check out the Calling DIBS podcast page on the BI wiki.

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