Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 23: Research Comes First in Behavioural Science Graduate Programs

Rishad Habib and I discuss the challenges and rewards of conducting research […]

Listen to Episode 23: “Research Comes First in Behavioural Science Graduate Programs” with Rishad Habib, PhD student in UBC Sauder’s Marketing and Behavioural Science Division.
(31 minutes; posted Apr. 14, 2021)

Rishad Habib is an all-star Marketing and Behavioural Science PhD student in her 5th year at UBC Sauder School of Business. In sharing her experiences as a former MSc student and current PhD student, Rishad emphasizes the importance of research in both types of programs. We also discuss the challenges and rewards of conducting research as a graduate student, including both lab studies and field studies with partner organizations.

For the full list of episodes, check out the Calling DIBS podcast page on the BI wiki.

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