Calling DIBS JEDDII Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 41: Behavioural Insights & Reconciliation

Stephanie Papik and I discuss how Behavioural Insights can help us understand barriers and strategies for Reconciliation […]

Listen to Episode 41: “Behavioural Insights & Reconciliation” with Stephanie Papik, the Moose Hide Campaign Society’s Director for the Public Service.
(39 minutes; posted April 6, 2022)

Stephanie Papik is currently working with the Moose Hide Campaign Development Society as Director for the BC Public Service. Stephanie and I discuss how BI can help us understand some of the barriers to Reconciliation, like blindspots and difficult emotions. We also discuss how BI can contribute to Reconciliation via strategies such as disrupting habits and providing calls to action, like the Indigenous Relations Behavioural Competencies. We close by thinking about how Indigenous Knowledge and Behavioural Insights can be mutually supporting.

For the full list of podcast episodes, check out the Calling DIBS page on the BI wiki.

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