Learning News

Advanced Professional Certificate in BI (early bird deadline May 31)

Apply to UBC’s Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights before May 31 for a free copy of a top BI book! […]

Apply now for the 2022-2023
Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights!

UBC’s Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights program is rigorous BI Practitioner training that combines live online coursework and a capstone project to help you develop your BI knowledge and skills. The next cohort will run from September 2022-May 2023.

Apply before the early bird deadline on May 31 to secure your spot and receive a free copy of a top BI book! You can choose between Nudge; Thinking, Fast & Slow; and Behavioral Insights.

Learn more and apply now at:

(Note the prerequisite course Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights must be completed before June 30 for your application to be considered. Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights will be offered one more time this spring from April 25 to May 15. We’ve opened up a second section to accommodate demand, but seats are going quickly!)

Advanced Professional Certificate in BI blurb

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