Special Seminar:
Behavioural Insights (BI) x Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, & Inclusion (JEDDI)
Friday, Dec. 9, 10-11am PT
Register to attend on Zoom at https://bit.ly/DIBS-seminar

Behavioural Insights for Building More Equitable Societies
Neil A. Lewis, Jr.
Cornell University & Weill Cornell Medical College
When societies separate people into different groups and provide those groups with differential access to resources and opportunities, members of those groups inevitably have different experiences in life. These differences in contexts influence how people make meaning of the world around them. Moreover, those differences in meaning-making have cascading effects on the decisions people make. I will share recent research findings examining how US segregation (i.e., by race and socioeconomic status) influences how Americans make meaning of their experiences, and the implications of that meaning for their motivation to pursue different goals and their success in goal pursuit efforts. I will discuss the implications of this research for behavioral interventions that aim to foster equity in society.
About the JEDDI Seminar Series:The Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics and the UBC Sauder Dean’s Office launched the JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Decolonization, & Inclusion) Seminar Series to feature academic and business thought leaders sharing their experiences and strategies for creating more just, equitable, diverse, decolonized, and inclusive workplaces. Learn more and view past recordings at https://www.sauder.ubc.ca/thought-leadership/research-outreach-centres/peter-p-dhillon-centre-business-ethics/events/jeddi.
About the Behavioural Insights Seminar Series: UBC Decision Insights for Business & Society (UBC-DIBS) launched the Behavioural Insights Seminar Series to feature researchers and practitioners sharing their field and lab projects using the behavioural and decision sciences to “nudge for good”. Learn more and view past recordings at https://blogs.ubc.ca/biwiki/bi-at-ubc/#DIBSseminar.