Curious about how Behavioural Insights (BI) can help you advance your career and make a positive difference? Join our free webinar on Wed., February 28, 12-1pm PT!
The webinar hosted by UBC Sauder School of Business Continuing Business Studies and featuring special guests:
- Dr. Kirstin Appelt, Academic Director of the Advanced Professional Certificate and Research Director of UBC’s Decision Insights for Business & Society (UBC-DIBS)
- Carl Jensen, Project Director, BC Behavioural Insights Group, and BI Certificate Class of 2021
What is Behavioural Insights?
BI combines an understanding of how we all make decisions plus rigorous research methods to tackle a variety of problems from sustainability to compliance to employee engagement and beyond. By developing your BI skills and knowledge, you can make evidence-based policy and product decisions to increase your strategic impact.
What BI Programs does UBC offer?
Learn how to add a BI lens to how you approach problems by enrolling in UBC’s Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights course.
- This three-week, live online course provides an introduction to behavioural insights, experimentation, and ethics.
- This course is next offered Apr. 22-May 12 on Thursday evenings 5-7pm Pacific. This will be the last offering before the deadline for applications for the 2024-2025 cohort in the Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights.
Learn how to develop and test appropriate BI solutions for different challenges by applying for UBC’s Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights.
- The certificate is rigorous BI Practitioner training that combines live online coursework and a capstone project to help you develop your BI knowledge and skills.
- The program runs September-May each year. The early-bird deadline for the 2024-2025 cohort is May 31.
- Please note that Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights is required prerequisite for the Advanced Professional Certificate; you must complete Fundamentals prior to applying for the certificate.
What do program alumni say?
“I would recommend the UBC Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights (BI) to anybody looking to advance their experience and education in BI. I chose this program as it is the only BI certificate being offered in Canada. The virtual nature of the certificate allowed me to continue working full time during the program. Since completing the certificate, I was given the opportunity to serve as the Lead of the BC Behavioural Insights Group for six months.”
Carl Jensen
Class of 2021
Project Director, BC Behavioural Insights Group