Media & Case Studies News

Resource: BIT Report on Using BI to Increase Post-Secondary & Career Services Participation

Canada’s Future Skills Centre & BIT worked together to test which BI tools best support high-school students and job seekers in making informed career decisions […]

Canada’s Future Skills Centre partnered with the Behavioural Insights Team on a project using behavioural insights to increase participation in post-secondary and career services.

Executive summary:

In the context of a rapidly changing world of work, Canadians need access to better and more relevant labour market information (LMI) to make informed decisions while navigating the labour market.

This project, through the execution of a number of randomized control trials, tested how best to inform, empower, and engage Canadians when it comes to making decisions about work.

First, in helping high school students in British Columbia make more informed career pathway decisions regarding post-secondary education, the project found that providing simple and clearly explained LMI that is localized and specific about career pathways and opportunities yields better outcomes. The LMI is most impactful when it is provided through trusted intermediaries such as family and friends, or workers in the field.

Second, in rigorously testing ways to boost the uptake of employment services among job seekers in Alberta and Saskatchewan, we found that it is crucial for communication methods to be personalized and clearly outline the benefits and next steps of the services available.  At the same time, integrating income security programs like employment insurance (EI) with career and employment services enhances labour market attachment and likelihood of taking advantage of such services.

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