Media & Case Studies News

Resource: Establishing a BI function

The folks at the World Health Organization have released a tool that can help folks figure out how to incorporate BI into their roles and/or organizations […]

The folks at the World Health Organization have released a tool that can help folks figure out how to incorporate BI into their roles and/or organizations. This may also be useful for folks trying to communicate the value of BI within their organization.

From the WHO: This tool provides overarching considerations and guiding questions to assist organisations with the decision-making involved in designing, establishing, or enhancing their behavioural insights function. This function is where expertise in the use of behavioural science frameworks, evidence and methodologies is applied to contribute to the improvement of policies, programmes, services or communications. Countries are encouraged to establish behavioural science functions or units in resolution WHA76.7 for Behavioural Sciences for Better Health, which was adopted by all Member States at the World Health Assembly in May 2023. This tool is structured for use by the person or team that is responsible for scoping out the behavioural insights function and planning for its activities.

Decision Support Tool:

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