Media & Case Studies News

Resource from BETA: BI, home energy upgrades, & asbestos removal

The Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA) released reports about two recent projects exploring how to help people with decisions around home energy upgrades and asbestos removal […]

The folks at the Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government (BETA) have released reports about two recent projects:

  • Home energy upgrades: Empowering homeowners to make informed decisions: BETA tested 5 policy interventions and “We “found that mandatory disclosure of Home Energy ratings helped participants choose to inspect homes with higher energy ratings, and helped sellers prioritise energy upgrades over cosmetic upgrades. Additionally, decision support resources for consumers such as a text prompt or online decision support tool can increase interest or confidence in making an upgrade decision.”
  • Testing incentives to encourage asbestos removal: “In partnership with the Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency (ASSEA), BETA surveyed over 4,400 owners of homes built before 1990, to determine which financial incentives would encourage them to proactively remove asbestos from their properties.”

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