Media & Case Studies News

Call for BI Project Write-Ups (Nov 8)

The Behaviourally Informed Organizations partnership is looking for “What Works, What Doesn’t (and When)” […]

The Behaviourally Informed Organizations partnership (see housed at the BEAR centre, University of Toronto is looking for contributions to an edited book project entitled “What Works, What Doesn’t (and When)”.

We are looking for chapters:

  1. That are based on a field study aiming to change behaviour of customers, citizens or other stakeholders (as opposed to testing theory of developing a new theory of behaviour)
  2. That are authored by practitioners, academics or teams that have both academics and practitioners
  3. The study is a translation (from a lab demonstration to the field), replication (from a previous field study in the same domain), horizontal scaling (from a different domain to a new one) or vertical scaling (same domain, but larger sample sizes) of a previously demonstrated intervention.
  4. The study could be a “success” or not (i.e., null effects, or different effects than expected)
  5. That include some commentary on reasons for “success” or “failure” and prescriptive advice.

Further details (goals, audience, content & style of chapters, and a tentative timeline) are available at
Chapter proposals may be submitted via the link available at this website no later than November 8, 2021, 4 PM East Coast time.

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