From the folks at the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) & Nesta (the UK’s innovation agency for social good):
What can we learn about governance and public service leadership from Singapore?
At its independence in 1965, Singapore was confronted with high unemployment, poor infrastructure and political instability. In the almost six decades since, the city-state is among the world’s most competitive economies and ranks highest in the 2020 World Bank Human Capital Index.
Singapore maintains one of the highest levels of government effectiveness – creating a high-performing public service and producing strong economic and social outcomes in under two generations.
We’re gathering experts on 13 November to mark the launch of the Behavioural Insights Team’s report and to find out how Singapore’s effective public service model, policy design and long-term scenario planning could be applied to the UK government and other international contexts. Our expert panel, including Nesta CEO Ravi Gurumurthy and BIT Singapore Dr Serene Koh, will discuss how Singapore’s experience can provide insights for governments as they develop strategies to address the challenges their countries face now and in the future.
When: Nov. 13, 12:30-3:00am PT
Register at