Learning News

Advanced Professional Certificate in BI (early bird deadline May 31)

Apply to UBC’s Advanced Professional Certificate in Behavioural Insights before May 31 for a free copy of a top BI book! […]

Learning News

Last Call to Register for Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights (Apr 25-May 15)

Learn how to use a BI lens to tackle problems! The upcoming April 25-May 15 session is the final offering […]

Learning News

Free Webinar about UBC’s BI Programs (Apr 7)

Join us on April 7 to learn how UBC Sauder’s Behavioural Insights programs can help you make evidence-based policy and product decisions […]

Learning News

Free Webinar about UBC’s BI Programs (Mar 10)

Join us on March 10 to learn how UBC Sauder’s Behavioural Insights programs can help you make evidence-based policy and product decisions […]

Learning News

Register for Fundamentals of Behavioural Insights (Nov 15-Dec 5)

Learn how Behavioural Insights creates positive behavioural change with this three-week course […]

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