Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS: Season 4 Wrap-Up

Across 20 episodes, we discussed the evolution of BI, how to conduct BI projects, how BI intersects with other fields, and how people are applying BI across challenges and organizations […]

Calling DIBS JEDDII Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 83: Using Mixed Methods to Strengthen BI

Rhiannon Mosher explains how mixed methods are a crucial part of an anti-racist, Indigenized practice of behavioural science […]

Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 82: An Introduction to Mixed Methods

Rhiannon Mosher defines qualitative methods and walks through the benefits of mixing methods at each stage of a BI project from scoping to scaling […]

Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 81: Using BI to Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice

Meghan Martin shares recent examples of how BI is influencing public health practice, including work on the pandemic response, legal substances, and childhood immunizations. She also talks about opportunities ahead […]

Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 80: The ABCDEs of Indigenizing Behavioural Science

Stephanie Papik returns to share how we can work together to simultaneously Indigenize behavioural science and use Indigenized behavioural science to tackle issues impacting Indigenous peoples […]

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