Media & Case Studies News

Resources: BI & Sustainability

UBC-DIBS Researcher Jiaying Zhao recently gave a TED Talk about her “Happy Climate” work and appeared on CBC’s Planet Wonder […]

Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 60: Frameworks Make It Easy

Whitney Queisser uses a variety of BI frameworks to tackle A/B testing as a lifecycle marketer […]

Media & Case Studies News

Resource: NSW Sludge Toolkit

The folks at the NSW Behavioural Insights Unit have created a number of guides to support projects attempting to reduce friction […]

JEDDII Media & Case Studies News

Resource: BIT Guide for Workplace Equity

BIT, ESDC, and Sonia Kang (U of T) have partnered together to create a guide for which actions do and don’t work to improve workplace equity […]

Calling DIBS Media & Case Studies News

Calling DIBS Ep 59: Leave Room for Learning

Shannon McDonaugh shares how she uses BI to help improve the lives of Nova Scotians as well as advice for how individuals and organizations can start using BI ethically and thoughtfully […]

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