The humble beginnings of my apartment.

Dedicating this post to Jerry because he kicked my butt into writing this belated post.

To be honest, I’ve been busy!

Moving to another city and relying on yourself  (and thinning wallet) to survive and create a normal living situation is more difficult than you think. Especially if you’re trying to get over a bout of homesickness—which I did! And settling into my apartment really did the trick. It was my own space: a place I could call home.

By building a home away from home I was able to overcome homesickness; I didn’t just construct a house over it like a haunted mansion above an old Native American burial ground. I excavated it, demolished it, kicked it away and I did it by following three tips.

Do it once a week if you want to keep a consistent personal contact. Distance yourself. Mute their voices. Forget their faces… Well, maybe not to that degree, but by slowly separating yourself from them, you’ll do yourself a big favor. You’re on exchange after all! You’re here to challenge yourself, to learn how to live independently and to explore your own limits. Make it an experience filled with stumbling and learning.

Get into a rhythm of doing things. Create a routine even if it’s filled with mundane tasks such as washing the dishes or folding laundry. Those chores will seem like nothing if you accompany yourself with music. Lately, I’ve been listening to the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack, the company of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell helping the time just fly by. A routine allows you to settle in easier because it creates a sense of familiarity to your every day life. Having and feeling stability in your life is something you will appreciate two-fold when you’re finding your way in a foreign country.

Don’t be afraid to say no to things you don’t want to do. Sure, you should test your limits like I’ve said before. Sure, you should face fears and make adventurous forays. But, if there are anxieties or fears that you have, make sure you work to resolve them. Those worries don’t exclude financial scares, as well. Make sure you feel comfortable in every way possible. Not only does this combat homesickness by keeping your wits about you, it also lays a foundation for you to enjoy yourself. If you’re occupied with troubled thoughts, then how can you really embrace your experience experience?

That’s how I overcame homesickness. Hopefully, you will be able too as well if you go abroad!
I’m going to sign off now and eat. At 4:37AM.
Please don’t judge me.

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