A Trendy JRINK For Vancouverites

The increasing demand for a healthy lifestyle has been particularly evident in Vancouver’s culture over the past few years. Everyone is more aware of their unhealthy habits and certain activities like yoga are becoming extremely popular amongst teens and adults.

Along with these new well-balanced routines that Vancouverites are adopting, healthy eating is becoming just as trendy. However, it is often difficult to find a quick snack during our busy schedules that is still wholesome and nutritious. Jrink’s cold pressed juices are a perfect solution to get that boost of energy while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In Comm 101 when we were introduced to this company, founded by a Sauder alumni, all I could think was how much I wished this product was available to students. Jrink’s juices are nutritious and convenient, but unfortunately for us students, are exclusively sold in corporate cafeterias.

If Jrink were to expand to more public locations such as university campuses, and café’s around Vancouver, I think they would see a great consumer response because of their unique value proposition1. Vancouver would be a perfect place to sell their products because of the increasing demand and trend for a healthy lifestyle.


*Blog content collaborated on with Olga Kubliy

1: “JRINK Juicery.” Jrinkjuicery.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www.jrinkjuicery.com/#about>.

Figure 1: http://healthylivingvancouver.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/yogis_doing_warrior_pose_in_yoga_class.jpg

Figure 2: http://www.jrinkjuicery.com/juices/starter

How Netflix Uses Information Technology

Companies are always looking for new ways to satisfy the ever-increasing consumer demand. Businesses can use information systems and technology to collect data about customers and use it to their benefit.

For example, Netflix uses information technology to make numerous decisions about consumers. The company collects data based on what users have watched in the past, and what their personal television preferences are. This data allows Netflix to provide each user with a personalized list of suggested shows and movies that correspond to their individual preferences. Netflix also uses this information to make decisions about various developments such as what content they should invest in, and whether or not they should produce an original series.

All of this information allows Netflix to cater to the consumers and keep them coming back to the website. Around 70% of the choices that viewers make are based on what is suggested to them by Netflix 1Alara Erturk mentions in her blog that the convenience of the service gives Netflix a competitive advantage compared to other companies in the industry 2.

Information systems like the ones used by Netflix are being used by companies to collect data and statistics that can be used to further satisfy consumer demand and create a competitive advantage that will set them apart from the competition.


1: Ladurantaye, Steve, and Chris Berube. “How Netflix Knows What You Want to Watch before You Do.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013. <http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/digital-culture/how-netflix-knows-what-you-want-to-watch-before-you-do/article9332929/>.

2: Erturk, Alara. “Netflix Knows How To Research.” Web log post. UBC Blogs. N.p., 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013. <https://blogs.ubc.ca/alaraerturk/>.

Figure 1: http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/netflix_android_phone_update-251×500.jpg

A New Innovative Marketing Strategy

A TED Talk by Simon Sinek addresses the reason why certain leaders can inspire action. Every single business and company knows exactly what they are selling, but very few understand why they are selling what they are selling, what their purpose or belief is or why their organization exits 1. What Sinek concludes is that the successful and innovative companies start with why. These companies understand and believe in the product or service they are providing and market it accordingly.

 For example, why is Apple more innovative and successful than any other computer company? The answer is that they think and market their products in a completely different way than everyone else. Apple starts with why. They don’t just sell computers, they sell the reason they are making computers. They don’t sell what they do; they sell why they do it.

This simple concept, incorporated with the lean start-up strategy 2, could be a key factor in helping startup businesses succeed. Understanding how to market to consumers in a different way than all of the other competition in the industry, while shortening the product development process could give up and coming entrepreneurs a unique advantage that will set them apart from the competition.


1: Sinek, Simon. Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action. 2010. Video. TED Web. 16 Nov 2013.<http://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action.html>.

2: Blank, Steve. “Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything.” Harvard Business Review. N.p., May 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013. <http://hbr.org/2013/05/why-the-lean-start-up-changes-everything>.

Figure 1: http://www.inspireca.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Golden-Circle.jpg

Pinterest: Growth Leads to New Marketing Strategies

Figure 1

Pinterest is a website that allows users to organize, collect and share images of their favourite meals, activities, events, clothing and much more. This new form of social networking has been growing in popularity over the years. It is actually “the fastest-growing platform for online content sharing.”1

In a Wall Street Journal blog, Spencer Ante was evaluating whether Pinterest was really worth $3.8 billion considering the company is, in fact, only four years old. The site has recently begun experimenting with advertisements as a source of revenue. Ante said that the idea for Pinterest was to be like a visual version of Google.2 The website also allows businesses to add a “Pin It” button to their websites.3 Using this feature can enable businesses to reach consumers through a whole new channel and further market their company.

Figure 2

After reading this blog and other articles alike, I can agree that Pinterest is a growing force in the online media industry. Businesses should be aware of sites other than the obvious Facebook and Twitter for their social media advertising. It is sites like Pinterest that are becoming the new trend and will be a great source of strictly visual marketing strategies.



1: Griswold, Alison. “Pinterest Is Now The Fastest Growing Content-Sharing Platform.” Business Insider. N.p., 05 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

2 (External Blog): Ante, Spencer E. “Pinterest Valuation Is Reasonable, Compared to Some Business Tech Companies.” Web log post. The Wall Street Journal. N.p., 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

3: “Pinterest Becomes Effective Marketing Tool » Local News » Goshen News, Goshen, IN.” Goshen News. N.p., 27 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013.

Figure 1: http://www.authormedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/pinterest_badge_red.png

Figure 2: http://blog.raincastle.com/Portals/28645/images/pinterest%20growth.png

Why Google Is Such An Amazing Place To Work

What makes Google such an amazing place to work? First of all, the company offers what seems to be an endless list of benefits to all of their employees. Some of these include free meals, a bowling alley, hair salon, dance classes and laundry facilities1. These extensive benefits encourage employees to remain at work and enjoy themselves while they’re there, although they are not the only things making Google such a great workplace.

There are also many other aspects of the company make the Googleplex an enticing workplace. Almost all of the walls in the building are transparent which promotes a very friendly and open environment. As Bianca Pinasco had mentioned in her blog, employees are given a 20% time program2. This allows them to spend 20% of their workweek on a project of their choice. As a result, it gives employees the satisfaction of expressing their creativity and exploring innovative ideas.

Google values their employees just as much as their collective success3. Even though it is very costly to provide all of these benefits, it is compensated by the fact that their employees are productive and there is a low turnover rate.

All of these factors combined are what establish Google’s culture. This corporate culture is the reason why Google is so profitable and is ranked as one of the best places to work.


1: Smith, Kevin. “Google Employees Reveal Their Favorite Perks Working For The Company.” Business Insider. N.p., 06 Mar. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <http://www.businessinsider.com/google-employee-favorite-perks-2013-3>.

2: Pinasco, Bianca. “The Best Workplace in the World.” Web log post. Blogs.ubc.ca. N.p., 09 Nov. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <https://blogs.ubc.ca/biancapinasco/2013/11/09/the-best-workplace-in-the-world/>.

3: Chatterjee, Surojit. “Top 5 Reasons Why Google Is the Best Company to Work For.” International Business Times. N.p., 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <http://www.ibtimes.com/top-5-reasons-why-google-best-company-work-553844>.

Figure 1: http://www.socialtalent.co/resources/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Google-Dublin-Office.jpg


Coca-Cola: A Step In A New Direction

Coca-Cola has just recently decided to investigate their sugar suppliers to ensure that they are not purchasing sugar from plantations that use “land grab” policies 1.These tactics used by certain plantations evict farmers and local citizens from their land. By taking action and addressing their social responsibilities, Coca-Cola will guarantee that land rights of local communities in these countries are being protected 2.

Many people tend to view Coca-Cola as a large, mass-producing company that has never before addressed these significant problems. Switching to suppliers with more ethical policies might be costly for Coca-Cola, although they are addressing issues that will benefit the company in the long run while also having a huge positive influence on societies in developing countries. This is a step in a new direction for the company. By confronting this major ethical issue, Coca-Cola will incorporate corporate social responsibility into their practice and earn the reverence of countless consumers and companies alike.

Hopefully Coca-Cola is setting the stage for other companies such as PepsiCo to follow their lead and engage in corporate social responsibility in the future and further improve society while still remaining a profitable and successful business.


1: Schneider, Howard. “Coke, Pressed by Oxfam, Pledges Zero Tolerance for Land Grabs in Sugar Supply Chain.” Washington Post. The Washington Post, 09 Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. <http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/coke-pressed-by-oxfam-pledges-zero-tolerance-for-land-grabs-in-sugar-supply-chain/2013/11/08/cb6946e4-48b3-11e3-a196-3544a03c2351_story.html>.

2: Tran, Mark. “Coca-Cola Vows to Axe Suppliers Guilty of Land Grabbing.” The Guardian. N.p., 08 Nov. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. <http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/nov/08/coca-cola-suppliers-land-grabs>.

Figure 1: http://www.sugarstacks.com/img/colas.jpg