Sexuality and Migration

[L]iving in Canadian society as part of the LGBQ youth is by no means a smooth sailing journey…

Patricia Li 李晴 (she/her)

Canada very successfully projects an image on the international stage as a welcoming and inclusive country where sexual and gender diversity are not just tolerated, but are accepted and appreciated. Patricia points out the fact that such an image is more idealism than reality – while there is much more safety associated with being an LGBQ youth in Canada relative to numerous places around the world, there is still much to be done to ensure that LGBQ youth can live authentic and fulfilling lives free from worries, fear, and uncertainty about their identities. She also folds in theoretical perspectives of acculturation to provide a more comprehensive perspective of the experiences of LGBQ Hong Kong diasporic youth. What can society and the Hong Kong diasporic community do to ensure that LGBQ youth are supported, accepted, and protected?

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