Unit 2 Reflection – Setting Up LinkedIn & Creating a Report Proposal

For this course I was required to create a LinkedIn profile which I did not previously have. It was an interesting process, reflecting on future goals, current skills, and exploring how to write about myself in a professional manner. I can see now how useful a platform like LinkedIn can be, and how it can open up a lot of opportunities. I will be continuing to update and use this site in the future.

I had a couple problems initially with the planning and creation of my formal report. My original plan was viewed to be unethical because it would deal with personal, private issues like addiction, so I had to make changes that targeted sales instead of the customers. Dr. Paterson was very helpful in guiding me to find the right approach to my report. It was difficult at first, trying to think of what I could change in past working or volunteer environments. However, I enjoyed the critical thinking required for this task. With the proper adjustments, I have fixed my report to create an appropriate plan.

Like the first peer review, this assignment was helpful in improving my analyzing and critiquing of others’ work. The most interesting aspect of doing this peer review work is getting to read how others write and form their work. I have learned the value in respecting others’ writing styles, and to take that into account when editing and reviewing. It has also made me aware of how catching little mistakes, such as grammatical or spelling errors, show how they can slip past the writer which is why peer reviewing is so valuable. From reading my team member Money’s report, not only was it fun to read and interesting to learn more about a place where Money used to work, I also admired Money’s thoughtful report, which showed how much effort was put into it. It is exciting to see the variety in the proposals being made.


Money’s peer review: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-98a-2020sa/2020/06/24/peer-review-for-cathys-research-proposal/

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