Unit 3 Reflection – The Process of Creating a Formal Report Draft

The process of creating the formal report draft was difficult. While the idea of a draft seems straight forward, I struggled with researching the topic because the information I need was not accessible on the internet. My formal report looks at how implementing a self-serve Keno machine in Lotto! stores would benefit Keno players and employees, but data on lottery stores is very limited. For instance, I could not find the cost of the machine. I asked previous co-workers, including assistant managers, but they did not have the information or could not disclose it. Thus, gathering the information I need to create a convincing argument is a challenge. In terms of organizing and writing the report, I am familiar with formal writing so I did not have many issues in this area. This assignment is very good practice because it helps us learn the basics in writing a formal report. Organization and professionalism is important so I focused on these two aspects when writing.

Peer reviewing Money’s draft demonstrated once again how helpful proofreading is when completing assignments. Money has an interesting problem to solve and his report explores a solution in a neat manner. His report is organized and thoughtfully done. While Money’s report had a few spelling and grammatical errors, there were not many flaws overall. Because it was well done, it helped me look back on my own report to see if it would also appear as well thought out and convincing. One thing I immediately realized from Money’s report was that he had included headings and page numbers, something I had forgotten. Realizing things like this is helpful in catching my own mistakes. The most important realization I had from peer editing this assignment is that the structure of the draft is important. I went back to my own draft after peer editing to make sure I had all the components that allowed the report to flow smoothly. Money’s assignment gave me a good reference for how it should look and feel.


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