21st C Skills Wheel – Cushing Academy

“As Dr. Tracy notes, Cushing “has a tradition of embracing the best of the future. Our goal is nothing short of transforming secondary education across the country and around the world as we better prepare students for a new age of globalization and technological revolution.” With this in mind, our evolving wheel represents the skills we seek to instill in students throughout their Cushing experience in and out of the classroom; it provides the hub through which we create collaborative learning opportunities as we ready them for leadership in the 21 century.”


Assessing 21st Century Skills

The Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills project (ATC21S) is being conducted by the University of Melbourne and funded by Cisco; Intel; Microsoft; and the founder countries Australia, Finland, Singapore, and the USA. The white papers were commissioned for the project in 2010 and were written by academics world-renowned in their fields.  These white papers have formed the basis for subsequent work on the ATC21S project.

The ATC21S white paper topics are 21st Century Skills; Methodological Issues; Technological Issues; New Assessments and Environments for Knowledge Building; and Policy Frameworks for New Assessments.
